Monday, September 15, 2008

Constitution Day: actually worth attending

Hello Readers!

Well, it's Homecoming week! Visit this link for a full listing of all the events going on!

Wednesday night I'm going to video the stepshow and put it on The Herald site, so if you can't be there that night, you can see the highlights online!

Also, this Wednesday is Constitution Day here at ASU. And although that sounds incredibly boring, I think it is actually going to be pretty interesting this year. It's all about the presidential election and what issues are going to be important. The event kicks off at 9 a.m. in Centennial Hall on the third floor of the Union. Julie Barko Germany, director of the Institute for Politics, Democracy, and the Internet at George Washington University, is the keynote speaker.

The session I'm looking forward to is at 11 a.m. in the Student Union auditorium. Representatives from the Obama campaign and from the McCain campaign will be there to discuss issues that could possibly determine the outcome of the presidential election.

For more information on Constitution Day, go here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i missed the show - wheres the video. rumor had it that it would be on the herald site...i am at work, and bored, i need something to watch